Monday, May 21, 2012

You've Got a Hot Ass! Now Admit It!

It's really hard for a lot of us to love the package we're in. I know this from personal experience and I don't think I'm alone here. It's very easy to look in the mirror and dislike what you see. You see one flaw after another, and you just can't seem to find something beautiful about your body. 

We're constantly being told by the media, by movies, TV shows, magazine covers, and the opinions of others that we aren't pretty enough or thin enough; our hair isn't the right length or style, our teeth aren't white enough, our nails need to be painted, we need to wear more makeup.....the list goes on. I mean, how many commercials and ads do we see on a daily basis advertising products that promise to make us look better? A ton. Now, don't get me wrong, I like wearing makeup and getting my hair and nails done. I love shopping for cute clothes (shoes especially), and I really enjoy looking great-I'm not knocking that. I do, however think that it can go too far and we can be killing ourselves trying to be beautiful for the wrong reasons. We should never be applying makeup to impress someone else or to live up to a makeup manufacturer's expectations. If it genuinely makes you feel beautiful, if it's an expression of your  personality, then go for it and have as much  fun with it as you want to. 

Adding to this frustration, we're also conditioned in our culture, not to think too highly of ourselves. We don't want to come across as vain or full of ourselves. Sure, I get that, but I think it's pretty bad not to think too highly of ourselves. What kind of a rich and fulfilling life can we live if we don't think we're worth it? And unfortunately, our view of our exterior plays a pretty big role in our view of our interior.

 So the next time you look in the mirror, I want you to take a deep breath. 

Now, with very kind and loving intentions, please look at yourself and smile. 

Find 1 thing that you love about your body. It can be anything. It can be your eyes. It can be that smile you just put on. It can be your shoulders, the shape of your calves, or your hot little booty. It doesn't matter. And it doesn't matter whether or not you think someone else would agree. This is just for you. 

Now that you've found 1 awesome and amazing part of your body, find 2 more. Go ahead. Doesn't this feel sooooo much better than nit-picking and making yourself feel awful? You're beautiful, dammit! Don't forget it. 

 We all come in very different packages, and I for one think that's fantastic! It would be so terribly boring if we all looked the same. Every person you meet has something amazing, positive and unique going on, inside and out. And guess what-so do you!

When you start looking for positive things about yourself, you'll notice them about others, you'll let them know, and you'll be sending out some of the awesome positive vibes everybody needs so much.

So, make a practice out of finding beautiful things about yourself, inside and out. I mean, if given the choice of feeling great about yourself, and feeling awful about yourself, why not choose to feel great?

Have a great week, and remember-you're beautiful!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Can you Forgive?

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.—Unknown


Ooh, that's a rough one. We all have something god-awful in our past, done to us by someone that just plain sucks. It can be so hard to get over.

I know for certain that you cannot truly move forward on your path to wellness successfully without letting go of past hurts. You don't have to forget about everything, but coming to terms with things, and allowing the person that wronged you to move forward peacefully can be incredibly healing for you. Holding onto negative feelings, for whatever reason, is toxic to you. That's right, to you. You are the one that will suffer the consequences of internalizing all of that negativity. Think about it, if you're angry with someone, they may not even know...even if they know about what they did, they may not realize it has hurt you to such an extent that you're still holding onto it all. Being angry continuously hurts you physically and emotionally. The next time you start reminiscing about this thing that upsets you, try to notice what it does to you....does your stomach clench, does your breathing quicken, do your muscles tighten up and does your face scowl? Emotionally, you may be in a great mood, but then you're reminded of what you're angry about and then bam! Your mood just took a nosedive and that's not good for you or the people around you.

I just want to take a moment to clarify and say that forgiving someone is not at all saying that you are allowing this person to continue to hurt you. This isn't to set yourself up to continue to go through the same situation.

You can do something as simple as writing down everything that upset you, including how it made you feel and any consequences that came from this event (or events). Just get it all out. Once you do this, you'll feel lighter, I promise. Then, if you want to take it to another level, light a candle, say a prayer or set an intention and burn that sucker! As the paper burns, it signifies a cleansing and elimination of the hurt feelings. The anger, frustration, embarrassment etc.

What past hurts can you let go of today....?

You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well. --Lewis B. Smedes

Monday, May 7, 2012

Finding Your Purpose and Living on Purpose.

Lots and lots of people struggle to find a meaning to this whole experience called life. They try to figure out why we're all here, what are we doing, and more specifically, why they, as an individual are here. This thing that we're looking for may be called our purpose, or our calling, and it can be found. Here's how I found mine...

I was going through a period of time in my life where I felt something was missing. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something just wasn't quite right. I started to take stock of my life and decided that I have an awesome family, an awesome partner, great friends....I wasn't happy about my job but who really truly is?  Sure, I'd like to have more money in the bank and vacation more. I'd love to go to the spa more often and expand my shoe collection, but I knew that I needed to just wait and be patient for these things; they're on their way, it just wasn't time yet. After identifying these things and taking notice of what I wanted to improve in my life (there were other, less materialistic things as well), I still hadn't figured out what was I started journaling and reading lots of self-help books, articles and blogs. I got very still and quiet. I meditated and really listened to that little voice inside. I realized that even though I had a bunch of really great things going on in my life (being a mother to 3 absolutely amazing kiddos is a hugely gratifying journey in itself), I wasn't fulfilled on every level.

Now, some might say, 'Hey, you already have so much more than a lot of people in this world.' True. You've definitely got me there. I'm healthy, happy, I have my freedom and countless opportunities available to me. I have excellent people in my life (this is very intentional, by the way) that truly love me and care about me. I'm a lucky lady in most areas. Some people may look at me, in my quest for complete and total fulfillment and say I'm being selfish, not appreciating what I have. Not true, though. I do appreciate all of it. I'm thoroughly grateful. And not only that, but the quest for fulfillment is not at all selfish. It's a way to become happier and therefore affect those around you in a more positive way. So, by serving yourself, you're serving others.

In my quest for fulfillment, or finding my purpose or calling, I had this amazing a-ha moment and realized that the reason that I'm not feeling fulfilled just yet is that I still have skills, talents and gifts to give the world that my current situation/career/choices don't allow to be utilized. I'm also not pursuing my passions, either. It's like I have this amazingly brilliant light inside that's being dimmed every single day. I have so much more to give than I am currently giving.

What are these skills, talents, gifts and passions that I've discovered?

I enjoy talking to people and I have this cool ability to make people feel at ease around me. They feel comfortable enough to open up and share really personal things.

I love giving helpful advice. After having a conversation with someone who's asked for advice on a particular topic, I feel good being able to point them in a certain direction. And then, when they come back and tell me about the positive outcome of taking my advice, I feel amazing! I've helped them and that feels fantastic.

I love talking about anything pertaining to wellness. Food, relationships, stress relief, holistic care, career satisfaction, health, having fun, spirituality, home life. All of it.

So what's my purpose? What's my calling? To combine these passions and gifts that I have and share them with the me that means becoming a Wellness Coach. Once I came to this conclusion, I knew it was right. How did I know? Because of how it made me feel. I felt in alignment with everything. People around me, the Universe, everything. It's as if every single thing around me clicked into place and just felt right. It created this amazing internal vibration, it gave me butterflies in my stomach and made my toes tingle. Now, the thought of being a Wellness Coach may not do a single thing for may not give you any kind of warm, fuzzy anything. That's ok because something else will.

We're all here for a reason. Every single person has something amazing to give. Everyone has that brilliant internal light to shine on the world. To find it just be still and listen to yourself. The answer is there. Think of the things that bring you the most joy and excitement. Don't play it safe when figuring this stuff out. There are no wrong answers. Just be still and alone have the answer. And if you've already figured it out, congratulations! The hardest part is figuring it out. Also, remember to be patient with yourself, this may take a little while. The more relaxed you are about the whole thing, the easier it will all come to you.

I hope this blog helps you and inspires you to dig a little deeper, get to know yourself better and find out what you have to give the world, because the more of us that are vibrating at our highest level, the better our world as a whole.

Have a great week!!