Monday, March 26, 2012

Appreciating Your Power

I don't know about you, but I am not living the purest, most awesome manifestation of my dream life. I live in a too-small house, I have a job that most people would not envy and I've yet to achieve perfect health and happiness. It's really easy to focus on these things, too and beat myself up for not achieving more at this point in my life. I should have picked an actual career years ago, I should not have made so many monumental mistakes in the love department, I should have spoken up for myself, not allowed so many amazing opportunities to pass me by.....etc....


what an incredible waste of time......

 Without all of these 'regrets' (and I really hate even using this word) I wouldn't be exactly who I am and where I am right now. All of my mistakes and and hardships were brought on by decisions that I made. I take full responsibility for it all. That is so empowering to say, believe and feel. I did it.

Do you know what else this means? I get to take responsibility for today, tomorrow and the rest of my future. This feels so amazing.....I am giving myself the opportunity to sit down, make a to do list of anything at all that I want to do, and do it........I don't like my house? Well guess what.....I'm going to continue to save money for a down payment for a house that's a better fit for my family of 5. Not in love with my job? I've found the education that will allow me to pursue my *dream job*  (starts in 2 months....can't wait!!!). I won't have a say over every single factor that comes about, but I get a pretty big say in things overall.

And guess what....the same thing applies to you. And everyone else. Co-create your life! Don't take on the role of victim and shy away from facing things head on (which, yes, is so much easier, but it only creates a safe space for you to allow everyone else to shape your life)....only you can decide what direction your life takes. You may be faced with huge problems that are seemingly insurmountable......and maybe you can't change every thing that you don't like, but you can change and have a say in how you react, and what you do from this point forward.

In 10 years, would you like to say....'hey, my life has been pretty great....I feel like I stood tall and really shaped and sculpted my experiences into amazing things that really reflected my dreams, feelings and desires. Not every single thing went according to plan, but I really tried and gave it my best, and learned some great lessons along the way.' you want another 10 years of wasted opportunities, more victimizing of yourself (by yourself!) and of not living in your own personal integrity?

So, where in your life can you be more present and aware of yourself and where you are in life? Can you slow down for a few minutes and take stock of what's going on? What's making you happy, and what could be better for you (don't forget to stop and appreciate what is awesome in your life right now, too). Remember, you are very much in control of the direction that your life is empowered by this and go for whatever is going to bring you joy.

-I want to really emphasize the fact that you should be focused on what YOU want, not what your parents, friends, spouse or society want for you......they may have your best intentions at heart, but that won't make you happy or feel full inside.

I hope the things I've written about this week resonate with you.......take what you need from this and have a great week!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

You are Awesome. Period.

Last week we talked about loving, supporting and being happy for others. This week I want to talk about how awesome you are, and why you should love yourself.

At our core, we all have this brilliant, radiant, overwhelmingly awesome energy. Most people believe that it comes from God or the Uni-verse or Spirit or Source (it's also referred to as our Soul or Spirit). The specifics of your belief system can be suspended for a moment here. Just accepting the possibility that this energy is there is enough to understand it's importance. This brilliance within is who and what we are. It's capable of anything and everything. Our sometimes limiting beliefs in ourselves is what stops us from following our dreams or taking a potentially dangerous, emotionally speaking, step. It isn't because we're incapable of accomplishing great things....we're just worried about all of the numerous little things that could happen, or obstacles that could get in the way. We tend to worry and doubt ourselves into a still, stagnant, unchanging life. These worries and doubts most definitely veil our radiance. It's hard to remember it's there when your bills are overdue, your kids get sick, your job completely sucks or you're going through a divorce.

However, knowing and remembering that you have this built-in awesomeness inside of you, knowing that you have the backing of God/Uni-verse/Spirit/Source behind you in all that you do is an amazing gift and you should really use it to help you get to a point of deeper self confidence and awareness of all that you are and all that you are capable of. Use this knowledge to get to a point where you believe that all of the small bumps in the road are just that. Small bumps in the road. Turn them into spiritual lessons. Little bitty things that may cause a slight delay, but are there, and can become a fantastic lesson in life, if you choose to view them that way. These bumps don't define you, but if you let them, they can help to shape you along your journey, in a wonderfully transformative  way.

You are awesome, amazing, unique, fantastically interesting, and have all the strength, courage and stamina you need right inside you. It never goes away, flakes out or takes a vacation. It is always there, ready and waiting for you to not only tap into it but embrace it and be it. So, for all that you are, love yourself. Love yourself like you  love your child, best friend, mother or partner. Love yourself and don't stop. Not even when you make a bad decision, or embarrass yourself or hurt someone. Not even when someone else puts you down, doesn't understand you or says you're not worthy. Forget all of that, and remember to love yourself. No matter what.

I truly believe in my heart of hearts, from my head down to my toes, that if you do not love yourself, as you are, with all of your amazing-ness, and with all of your faults, you cannot truly love another or openly accept love from another. We need to believe that we are exactly who we should be, at any given time. You are perfect and deserving in all of your imperfections. Love yourself. No matter what.