Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Allow Success into Your Life

Allow success into your life.

Be open and receptive. Just let it come in. Welcome it.

So many times, we block out success, we don't allow it to manifest into our lives as much as we want it. I believe it's usually because of a fear of success-maybe the thought of having all of the responsibility of success on our shoulders is just too much. Which could, in turn, become a fear of failure. We may have the thought that if we achieve a certain level of success, and then don't keep all of the balls in the air, we're going to disappoint ourselves, our loved ones, our business partners and acquaintances.  If we allow ourselves to really want something badly enough-like a new career, a new dress size, or any number of goals, and then we aren't able to achieve that goal or especially, if we can't continue to hold onto that achievement, it can scare us into immobility.

So, what we need to do is just trust that we're doing our best and will continue to do our best. If we achieve great things, fantastic! If we don't, we can always try again. As long as we're trying, that's the important part.

To open your heart to wonderful things coming into your life, you must open your mind, too. This is great to do while meditating. Visualize what it is that you want to bring into your life. A dream job, a more reliable and greener vehicle, more money to travel with, more meaningful relationships, world peace, whatever. Be open and receptive to allowing it into your life.

If nothing else, this practice will open up your view to more positive happenings around you. If you're thinking in a positive manner, guess what-you'll start noticing so many more wonderful things, and maybe those negative, unpleasant, annoying and unnecessary things around you will start to fade away into the background. So even if this whole idea of manifestation sounds a little hokey to you, give it a try anyway. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that things start looking up for you, in ways you were hoping for, and in brand spankin' new and unexpected ways as well.

Leave a comment below about something you would like to see come into your life, and how you'll be more receptive to it.

Have a great week!