Sooooo......I've been doing all sorts of re-vamping, re-inventing and re-discovering what the style for my business should be.
Because, you see, there's a LOT that I love, but not everything is clicking into place just the way I'd like it to.
I freakin' love what I do.
For real.
And because of this, there's been some serious brainstorming & dreaming going on.
There is sooooo much more I want to do with my business. And with 2014 right around the corner, I'm ready to charge ahead, guns blazing with everything that I want to do.... a new year always signifies a clean slate and brand new start for me, and this year, probably more than any other year, I am so ready to go.
Now, here's what's been on my mind...
I want to allow my health and wellness knowledge to be front and center in whatever I'm doing....but I also want every thing I do-my writing, my workshops, my coaching and counseling to be very obviously ME. When you read something I've written or listen to me speak during a workshop or sit one on one with me in my office (or over the phone), I want you to get to know me, feel my passion for a particular topic and get a pretty good idea of what my sense of humor is like. Am I sarcastic, witty, dry, goofy, silly, strange....? Possibly a fun and unique little combination of all of the above?
I think in my journey to establish myself as a wellness professional I've become a little boring and serious.
But after reaching out in recent weeks in search of goal setting and business related information (I'm always on the lookout for education-expansion opportunities)....I've watched some pretty cool videos and checked out other entrepreneur's websites and I've come to realize that the ones I like best are the ones where the professional is transparent and fun. Where their personalities very obviously shine through and I get a pretty good idea of what they're like....what they'd be like to sit down and sip some tea (or if we're feeling saucy-a shot of tequila) with...
The career path I've chosen (honestly, I feel like it chose me) is one that is very personal and is all about connecting with another person. In my case, busy working moms that need help figuring it all out...
If you don't feel like I'm right there with you, genuinely loving and supporting you and guiding you toward your health, bliss and happiness in life, then you aren't going to get nearly as much out of our time together as I intend for you to.
So, the first *big* change I've decided to make is right here, with my blog. It's still going to be informative and seasoned with lots of advice and suggestions, but it's going to be quite a bit more personal, too.
I'm going to let you see my struggles, my stresses and my victories as a
Self Employed Mom of 3 Young Children. What I do to not only stay sane, but live a very happy, fulfilling, joyous, bliss-filled life and how I teach my 3 mini-me's how to do it, too.
In my next post I'm going to share with you my plans, dreams and goals for the coming year-and then keep you posted on how I do with it best advertising for my Health & Wellness Business is to be happy and well myself, right? So, I'm going to show you how I do it and hope that it inspires you to do the same.... :)
As promised at the beginning of this post, here's where you can sign up for my weekly newsletter-I talk about all things Wellness-related.....from flu shots to meditating to GMO's to discovering your beautiful and stunningly gorgeous inner Goddess.
Head over to my website at
or send me a quick email:
I'm really excited and I cannot wait to get rolling with this new format. I hope you love it, I hope you find something truly useful and that resonates with wherever you are in your life right now.
Thank you so much-have a fantastic day!!