Friday, December 20, 2013

So I've Decided to Make a Change....

Thanks for checking out my blog! If you like what you see, please subscribe/follow....or if you'd prefer my super informative and fun newsletter, go to the bottom of the post to find out how to sign up for weekly emails from yours truly. :)

Sooooo......I've been doing all sorts of re-vamping, re-inventing and re-discovering what the style for my business should be. 

Because, you see, there's a LOT that I love, but not everything is clicking into place just the way I'd like it to. 

I freakin' love what I do. 

For real. 

And because of this, there's been some serious brainstorming & dreaming going on.

 There is sooooo much more I want to do with my business. And with 2014 right around the corner, I'm ready to charge ahead, guns blazing with everything that I want to do.... a new year always signifies a clean slate and brand new start for me, and this year, probably more than any other year, I am so ready to go.

Now, here's what's been on my mind...

I want to allow my health and wellness knowledge to be front and center in whatever I'm doing....but I also want every thing I do-my writing, my workshops, my coaching and counseling to be very obviously ME. When you read something I've written or listen to me speak during a workshop or sit one on one with me in my office (or over the phone), I want you to get to know me, feel my passion for a particular topic and get a pretty good idea of what my sense of humor is like. Am I sarcastic, witty, dry, goofy, silly, strange....? Possibly a fun and unique little combination of all of the above?

I think in my journey to establish myself as a wellness professional I've become a little boring and serious. 

But after reaching out in recent weeks in search of goal setting and business related information (I'm always on the lookout for education-expansion opportunities)....I've watched some pretty cool videos and checked out other entrepreneur's websites and I've come to realize that the ones I like best are the ones where the professional is transparent and fun. Where their personalities very obviously shine through and I get a pretty good idea of what they're like....what they'd be like to sit down and sip some tea (or if we're feeling saucy-a shot of tequila) with...

The career path I've chosen (honestly, I feel like it chose me) is one that is very personal and is all about connecting with another person. In my case, busy working moms that need help figuring it all out...

If you don't feel like I'm right there with you, genuinely loving and supporting you and guiding you toward your health, bliss and happiness in life, then you aren't going to get nearly as much out of our time together as I intend for you to. 

So, the first *big* change I've decided to make is right here, with my blog. It's still going to be informative and seasoned with lots of advice and suggestions, but it's going to be quite a bit more personal, too. 

I'm going to let you see my struggles, my stresses and my victories as a 
Self Employed Mom of 3 Young Children. What I do to not only stay sane, but live a very happy, fulfilling, joyous, bliss-filled life and how I teach my 3 mini-me's how to do it, too. 

In my next post I'm going to share with you my plans, dreams and goals for the coming year-and then keep you posted on how I do with it best advertising for my Health & Wellness Business is to be happy and well myself, right? So, I'm going to show you how I do it and hope that it inspires you to do the same....   :)

As promised at the beginning of this post, here's where you can sign up for my weekly newsletter-I talk about all things Wellness-related.....from flu shots to meditating to GMO's to discovering your beautiful and stunningly gorgeous inner Goddess.

Head over to my website at

or send me a quick email:

I'm really excited and I cannot wait to get rolling with this new format. I hope you love it, I hope you find something truly useful and that resonates with wherever you are in your life right now. 

Thank you so much-have a fantastic day!!


Monday, December 9, 2013

What do you do when you're just having one of those days?

We've all been there. You wake up all cranky and have zero desire to get out of bed. When you wake up, mad already, you know it's going to be challenging to see the good in things.

So, what do you do? Fight it? Call in to work and crawl back into bed?

My advice is pretty simple...and might be a touch frustrating when you're in the midst of a bad day, so read this beforehand and it might be a whole lot more helpful, lol.

Every time you get one of those nagging, negative thoughts running on repeat in your mind (Today sucks! I swear, everyone is out to get me. Why do I even bother? I should have stayed in bed. etc) try ever so gently (because, remember you're pretty pissy right about now) to replace that phrase with a positive substitute. (Today is getting better. Today is full of happy hiccups that I'm getting through just fine. I'm learning a lot of helpful lessons about patience today! I'm so glad I have this day to experience.)

You know what else is helpful? Turning inward and getting thankful. On a day when I'm less than motivated, happy or positive I write a brand spankin' new Gratitude List. And then I re-read it and let it all sink in. It always seems to turn my frown upside down. (I'm pretty thankful for that, too-add it to the list!)

Basically, our days will go in the direction of our attitudes. If you can change a bad mood into a good one (and you can), your day will turn around, too. Try it out and see. Let me know how it goes....

What other tips and tricks do you use to get through those less than awesome days? Did I leave out any super helpful idea that could help others? Please share in the comments below. :)

Also, if you like my blog, please head over to my website and check it out! You can sign up for my Weekly Newsletter that's full of helpful tips and advice for Health & Wellness.

Have a fantastic day!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tips for Dealing With Holiday Related Stress

Hello, Happy Wednesday to you!! 

I hope you're having a great December so far and enjoying the holiday preparations and celebrations. I know this can be a pretty stressful time so I wanted to send out a few tips for dealing with it all in a healthy and productive way.

Here goes....

Plan Ahead: It's great to really get a jump start on everything you'd like to do during this season. Buying & wrapping gifts, planning out menus or pot luck items that you'll be bringing to parties, baking, homemade gifting, etc. By using a calendar or app on your phone (there are a bunch to choose from) you can stay ahead of the game and have much less creeping up at the last minute.

Be Realistic with your Expectations: You are not super human, and you will not accomplish absolutely everything that you'd like to. Well, unless your to-do list is much smaller than mine. In that case, I say congrats! Sometimes the tree will be crooked, the kids won't all smile at the same time for the family portrait and you'll burn the cookies. Try to keep it all in perspective and not worry about it, take a deep breath and do your best to take it all in stride.

Share Responsibilities: Get help with all of your extra tasks. Cleaning the house, shopping, wrapping, sending out the Christmas cards...instead of cooking everything for your family's special dinner, enlist some help and turn it into a potluck extravaganza. Let everyone showcase their favorite recipe and cooking skills (or ability to pick up a great pie from the local baker).

I hope this helps you to enjoy this season with a little more joy, peace and cheer. Use these tips and let me know how they go. Feel free to leave a comment below-I'd love to hear about what you do to stay calm and balanced during the most wonderful time of the year. :)

Next Thursday I'm teaching a Workshop at my office and I'll be expanding on this post a whole lot. I have fun, interactive stuff planned as well as a Wellness Gift Basket to raffle off. If you're interested, please visit my website at and check it out.

Have a great day!


Monday, December 2, 2013

**Special $99 Mini Program**

Hello, hello!! 

I hope you're having a fantastic day....I just wanted to post a little something about my latest program offering.

I just updated my website with all of the information, but here it is more detail. :)

This is the first time I've done something like this, and it's pretty exciting. I can't wait to get started with it...

I'm offering a special version of my Six Month Program at a seriously reduced rate.....$99. 
Yes, that's right. 
Here's what's included:

-An initial consultation that consists of you and I getting to know each other and finding out exactly what you'd like to work on

-2 one hour long Counseling Sessions that are all about you-you get my undivided attention, thoughts, advice, etc (I'm a pretty great listener, too)

-Really cool gifts (such as relaxing soy candles, journals, healthy foods, organic teas, etc) and helpful handouts at every session

-Free attendance to all of my workshops and teleseminars during your program

-Sessions take place at my office at 20 Ridge St in Glens Falls OR over the phone if we aren't local to one another (and I'll mail all handouts and gifts to you)

That's a lot of awesomeness for $99, right? And while the things listed above are great, the true benefits of this program will be your personal growth and happiness that come as a result of the work we'll do together. That's the truly exciting part.

I'm offering this program through the month of December and I've reserved only 10 spots for this. If you'd like to schedule your sessions during January, that's a-ok with me, you just need to register by the end of this month to take advantage of the special rate. :)

This program is a great idea if you:

-are interested in getting a jump start on your New Year's Goals/Resolutions
-just want to feel better, healthier and happier
-want to stay *balanced* during the hectic holiday season
-want to treat yourself to a unique gift of personal wellness
-want to treat your best friend, sister, mom, babysitter, child's teacher or any other deserving woman to this gift of wellness

Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from you soon!

~ Cozetta

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Allow Success into Your Life

Allow success into your life.

Be open and receptive. Just let it come in. Welcome it.

So many times, we block out success, we don't allow it to manifest into our lives as much as we want it. I believe it's usually because of a fear of success-maybe the thought of having all of the responsibility of success on our shoulders is just too much. Which could, in turn, become a fear of failure. We may have the thought that if we achieve a certain level of success, and then don't keep all of the balls in the air, we're going to disappoint ourselves, our loved ones, our business partners and acquaintances.  If we allow ourselves to really want something badly enough-like a new career, a new dress size, or any number of goals, and then we aren't able to achieve that goal or especially, if we can't continue to hold onto that achievement, it can scare us into immobility.

So, what we need to do is just trust that we're doing our best and will continue to do our best. If we achieve great things, fantastic! If we don't, we can always try again. As long as we're trying, that's the important part.

To open your heart to wonderful things coming into your life, you must open your mind, too. This is great to do while meditating. Visualize what it is that you want to bring into your life. A dream job, a more reliable and greener vehicle, more money to travel with, more meaningful relationships, world peace, whatever. Be open and receptive to allowing it into your life.

If nothing else, this practice will open up your view to more positive happenings around you. If you're thinking in a positive manner, guess what-you'll start noticing so many more wonderful things, and maybe those negative, unpleasant, annoying and unnecessary things around you will start to fade away into the background. So even if this whole idea of manifestation sounds a little hokey to you, give it a try anyway. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that things start looking up for you, in ways you were hoping for, and in brand spankin' new and unexpected ways as well.

Leave a comment below about something you would like to see come into your life, and how you'll be more receptive to it.

Have a great week!